11-14-2005-4 new paintings added to the ” Mixed Media gallery”, and 1 to the “Heaven and Hell gallery”. Also, some originals are available for purchase. Please e-mail me if you are intresed in an original. The prices are marked on thier pages. New links have also been added, along with a new bio. The store is still being updated with new prints, and household items. Clocks, mugs, and other odds and ends will soon be available. Thanks! Carla Lee Morrow
07-28-2005- 3 new dragons added to the ” Mixed Media gallery”. Also, some originals are available for purchase. Please e-mail me if you are intresed in an original. The store is still being updated with new prints, and household items. Clocks, mugs, and other odds and ends will soon be available. Thanks! Carla Lee Morrow
03-20-2005-5 new originals added to the “Fantasy Art Gallery: Mixed Media”, The gallery buttons have been reformatted and condenced into 1 sliding button. I am curently working on new stuff for the store, and all the new stuff will be available soon. Thanks! Carla Lee Morrow
12-26-2004-4 new originals added to the “Fantasy Art Gallery”, as well as new stuff in the store. The store now has two print sections, limited editions and open edition. The limited edition prints are set at runs of 500. Once all 500 prints are gone there will be no more made. Open editions will always be available.
08-10-2004-Total and complete revamp of website. A few galleries have been changed and moved around. New look, new style and frames have been removed. A few new links to other websites. Also the store is up and running. New products will be added often. If you would like to be notified of updates and new products please feel free to contact me. New artwork has also been added to the Fantasy art gallery, and the Heaven and Hell gallery.
05-09-2004– General cosmatic changes, new front page design, and New Artwork in the Fantasy Art Gallery, Heaven and Hell Gallery, and Sketchbook Gallery! Still working on the Store, hoprfully it will be up with in the next month.
July 5, 2003 The Store has been removed for reconstruction. New images and New products will be comming soon.
Nov.1, 2002 -4 (four) New images in the Computer Art Gallery also some changes to the site in gereral, a new “opening page” with the AcrylicDragon on it. Currently working on a new Angel, if you would like to see it before every one else join the e-mail list.
Oct 12-13, 2002 aquired Photoshop for my computer, and am LOVING IT! Finished a new dragon called “Dragon of Twilight”. Also, the full version of “Angelic Masquerade: Peacock” is finally up. Working hard on new artwork, so keep a look out or join my e-mail list for details!
Sept 1-3, 2002– Lots of changes for my site! A new, cleaner style and easier to navigate! Also added a New Painting in the Heaven and Hell Gallery “Angelic Masquerade: Peacock”. Second in a series of masked angels. The full version of this panting will be put up soon, along with a new dragon and some new comicbook style pieces that are in the first stages of develpment! Keep checking back!